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• Skills development including training and assistance in Certification Compliance

• Preparing students for Campus Selections.

• Personal Skills Development and Advanced Management Skills Development Programs

• Educational consultation to aspiring students regarding medical, engineering and management.

• Support for institutions including projects, internships and careers. We assure placement through our training programs that focuses on campus recruitment which meets the recruitment needs of students and placement departments.

NAAS, the educational division of WORKBHARATH, provides quality education in various fields of IT/ non IT and Management. In an age of cutthroat competition, college education is not enough. To have an edge over your counterparts, you need to have something EXTRA. That additional bit is provided by NAAS. We have highly qualified, capable & experienced team of faculty comprising of professionals & technical experts. Individual attention is provided to students and equal emphasis is given to both theory and practical. NAAS also provide training to M.C.A’s, B.Tech’s and M.Tech’s. The mission of NAAS is to provide quality education in the various fields of information technology for people of all walks of life.
In our corporate training programs we emphasis on a course schedule that achieves following objective for the corporate: Training should align with the business plan and address the core competencies of your business It is necessary that training outcomes strengthen the job environment and organizational practices but vice-versa is obligatory as well. Knowledge management and self-directed learning should be integral part of the training/learning processes. We ensure that Training process is effective, efficient and is properly staffed, organized, and managed. We have feedback systems to monitor business plans, performance problems and training results.


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