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About us

Workbharath is the national peak body which helps not-for-profit employment and community services all over India to provide the best possible assistance to disadvantaged communities and people.

The Group encompasses a strong portfolio of employment, education and volunteer businesses which span across India. We create world-class product technology solutions to address the needs of job Seekers and recruiters and facilitate the matching between job Seekers and recruiters across our online employment marketplaces.

We also provide relevant, timely and topical advice and support on industrial relations and a wide variety of other services tailored to the unique needs of our not-for-profit members across the full range of community and social services.

We represent the largest network of not-for-profit employment-related community services in India- with members ranging from small local community agencies to large national and multi-national companies.

We provide a one-stop, tailored and good value range of services designed to benefit our members and the citizens they were established to serve.

WHY USE Workbharath?

The benefit of a Workbharath job board is that employers can enjoy a simpler and more targeted approach to finding strong candidates to fill their job vacancies, thus ensuring that their ads are being seen by serious industry specific applicants only and not the broader job seeking community. This eliminates the treat of having to sift through time wasting applications to find the serious candidates.

Sure, mainstream job boards might mean that your add is view by more people, however Workbharath ensures that your add will be viewed only by people in your industry specific community giving you a greater chance of better quality applicants for your position/s saving you precious time and money.

As a job Seeker, using an industry specific job board will save you time sifting through and filtering out job adds that aren't specific to what you are looking for. If you know what season you are interested in but not sure where you would like to go then simply search either snow jobs or sun jobs and enjoy the possibilities.